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He arrives at the small tourist area that overlooks the beach. He walks more slowly now, his clear knowledge, his shiny new purpose starting to fade.

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He strolls down the inclined sidewalk, carefully avoiding the stares.This is not the time.(For what?)

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The seagull is now lost among the others here. He would have thought he could recognize it but now it's just one more among many.

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All the way to the edge of the water and... nothing. No clear second step, no answer.

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In the dunes, he finds a quiet spot and sits, his eyes still focused on the sky, without a seagull to follow. Vague sounds of people in the distance but the words are not clear enough to be understood.

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The afternoon passes and Carlos doesn't move. The people fade away slowly, one by one returning to their places of safety.

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The sunset washes over him like a shower of mild sunlight, sprinkled with water, sand and bits of dirt. Night falls.

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And then he sees it, dark silouete against the remaining red of the clouds, a lonely figure left behind after all the others are gone.


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