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"Please explain all this. Tell me what is happening..."

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"There's only so much I can explain before my explanations become worthless."

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"Who are you?"

"I can only say that to those  who can answer that question for themselves."

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"Where am I?"

"You are precisely where you wished to be."

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"Why am I here?"

"You've been summoned and you have answered."

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He stares hopelessly at her. The images rush through his inner vision, like accelerated previews from old movies that he's never seen. And yet he features in all of them.

"How did I come to be here? Please answer me that!"

"Rumor has brought you... he has been spread far and wide, since times immemorial... and you are one of the many that have been called."

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"Rumor has its own ways of travelling, its own fuel, its own map and its own resting place."

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