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The door opens to reveal darkness, the smell of humidity and of decomposing matter. She looks at him as if she knows him.

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"It's about time you showed up!"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say some of us find it hard to wait..."

"But you don't know me..."

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She waves away the comment and signals for him to come in. As his eyes get adjusted to the darkness, he distinguishes strange objects on the walls, and hanging from the ceiling. He can also hear the sounds of movement coming from other rooms.
"We're always very busy here, as you probably know already..."

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"Me? I don't know anything... I..."
"You knew enough to come, that's plenty." "I was given this card..."

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He shows her the little wrinkled card, half expecting it to disappear when she touches it. She smiles at it and gives it back, then proceeds to walk into the darkness.

Ahead, he can see a long dimly lit hallway, flanked by doors and stairways. He can't stop thinking that he has been here before.

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"You have."


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